Bureau of Corrections

Republic of the Philippines


“Bagong BuCor sa Bagong Pilipinas”

Philippine Standard Time

Tuesday 22 October 2024


Pre Colonial and Spanish Regimes

During the pre-colonial times, the informal prison system was community-based, as there were no national penitentiaries to speak of. Natives who defied or violated the local laws were meted appropriate penalties by the local chieftains. Incarceration in the community was only meant to prevent the culprit from further … Read more

The American Commonwealth Government 

When the Americans took over in the 1900s, the Bureau of Prisons was created under the Reorganization Act of 1905 (Act No. 1407 dated November 1, 1905) as an agency under the Department of Commerce and Police… Read more

Transfer of the Bilibid Prison to Muntinlupa

The increasing number of committals to the Old Bilibid Prison, the growing urbanization of Manila and the constant lobbying by conservative groups prompted the government to plan and develop a new site for the national penitentiary, which was to be on the outskirts of the urban center .. Read more

Developments after World War II

After World War II, there was a surplus of steel matting in the inventory and it was used to improve the security fences of the prison. A death chamber was constructed in 1941 at the rear area of the camp when the mode of execution was through electrocution. In the late 1980s…Read more

Non-Operational National Prisons

FORT BONIFACIO PRISON: A committee report submitted to then President Carlos P. Garcia described Fort Bonifacio, formerly known as Fort William McKinley, as a military reservation located in Makati, which was established after the Americans came to the Philippines. .Read more